Получите гражданство Карибского острова: Инвестиционная программа гражданства Доминики от Golden Harbors


Dominica, a beautiful island in the Caribbean, offers a citizenship by investment program. This program allows foreign nationals to obtain citizenship of Dominica, in exchange for making a significant financial investment in the country.

Golden Harbors Dominica Citizenship Program — Dominica visa.
Golden Harbors offers a Dominica Citizenship Program. The program provides an opportunity for individuals and their families to obtain the citizenship of Dominica through a donation to the Economic Diversification Fund (EDF) or through the purchase of pre-approved real estate.


Full citizenship with passport, which allows visa-free travel to many countries.
No requirement to live in Dominica.
Citizenship can be passed on to future generations.
No tax on worldwide income, wealth, gift, inheritance, or capital gains.


It requires a substantial investment.
The application process may take a few months.
Whether it’s for visa-free travel, tax advantages, or the peace and beauty of Dominica, the Golden Harbors Dominica Citizenship Program can provide an excellent opportunity for those seeking a second citizenship.

Remember, it’s crucial to consider all aspects and possibly consult with a legal and financial advisor before investing in a citizenship program.

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